CoolTone看起来像什么? 一个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台分享| DPS-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网



什么是CoolTone雕刻喜欢? 一位澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台分享了她的故事


我们喜欢告诉我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,单身 CoolTone 循环相当于做 很多 一次仰卧起坐. So many crunches, in fact, that you can see results after just one appointment. 这种独特的疗法实际上可以增强你的肌肉, 所以你不仅看到了结果, 但是当你在健身房做腹部运动时,你可以体验到它们.

Looking to get a more sculpted and toned look but can’t quite get there through diet and exercise alone? This could be the non-surgical body contouring solution you’ve been looking for. 了解更多关于 CoolTone是什么样子 通过一位唐纳森整形手术澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的眼睛! 



感觉我的身体很自然地反对有一个明确的胃. Even at my peak of health – exercising for two hours a day and eating balanced meals – my stomach never got to where I wanted it to be. 我的手臂, 腿, 背部肌肉会变得更强壮、更清晰, but there was something about my stomach that was resilient against my efforts. I hadn’t been to the gym in a while, but I wanted to start prioritizing my health again.

Knowing how hard it is to achieve my abdominal goals, I felt discouraged even going back to the gym.


  • 明显的肌肉轮廓
  • 肚脐更紧、更垂直
  • 可能减轻我的背痛
  • 继续去健身房的动力

是的, seeing results right away would be cool, but it was also going to motivate me. I wanted to be reassured that abdominal results would even be possible for my body! 我的生日也将在几周后到来, so I unintentionally set a goal to see what results I could get by the time I turned 24.


我从没想过要了解酷通,但我很高兴我这么做了! 我当时在办公室 补唇膏 when I found out that there was a treatment that could help with a long-time insecurity of mine. I didn’t have to have surgery, it wasn’t going to hurt, I would see quick results. 这简直好得令人难以置信. 不过,我相信给我打针的护士的洞察力. 她坦率而诚实. Even though I was skeptical about Cooltone, her recommendation sold me on it.

我之前看到过关于 CoolSculpting在实践的Instagram上我想这对我来说可能是一个选择. I talked with my injector about it, she told me about the differences between CoolTone and CoolSculpting.



CoolTone和CoolSculpting听起来是一样的,但它们有很大的不同. CoolSculpting可以冻结脂肪, 而CoolTone则增强和调节你的肌肉(不涉及冷冻).

We did an impromptu consultation during my filler appointment to see which I’d be a better candidate for. 因为我没有那么多腹部脂肪, 她建议我试试CoolTone来达到我想要的效果.


如果你看一下CoolTone澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的视频,它看起来有点吓人. Manually working out your ab muscles to the point of seeing definition after one treatment seems like 很多. 我怎样才能在不受伤害的情况下看到结果? 我不知道为什么不疼,但就是不疼! 一开始感觉很奇怪,但我几乎每次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网都睡着了. 那是一个非常平静的环境.


第一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网- 35分钟


打底裤和t恤. The CoolTone applicator should be applied over a thin fabric on top of the treatment area.


My nurse placed the paddle on my stomach and then secured it with a Velcro strap. 这台机器的功率是以百分数来衡量的. She explained that the goal was not to get to 100% power and that I probably wouldn’t get to 100% during the series. 在我的第一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网中,我的电量达到了55%.


The treatment includes two different sensations which are tapping and contractions. Once the machine was on, it takes a while before it starts contracting the muscles.


Cooltone从无痛地轻拍肌肉开始. The tapping breaks up lactic acid that builds up after exercise, so you don’t get sore. (他们真的把一切都考虑到了.)


收缩是真正的强化开始的时候. 这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网应该不会造成伤害,但它实际上是一种抽筋. 感觉你的肌肉被轻轻地拉,然后被挤压. 这很奇怪,但他们一开始就很低. 一旦你习惯了,你就会越来越想把音量调大. The squeezing lasts for a couple of seconds and then there are a couple of seconds of tapping, 然后回到挤压. 这个过程持续了大约25分钟.


没有残留的不适或停机时间. The difference I saw after my first treatment was the imprint of the CoolTone paddle on my tummy, 但我还有五个预约要去. 尽管如此,我还是很兴奋能做这件事. 那天晚上我去了健身房,感觉更强壮了. 那是我的幻觉吗? 大多数情况下是的,但我觉得有动力在健身房更努力地锻炼. 实际上,我已经实现了我的一个目标!


到第二次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网时,我已经是Cooltone专业人士了. I was able to tolerate more machine power during each session that followed. 在第三次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,我才真正开始看到不同. 我在短短20分钟内就看到了变化,这真是太疯狂了.


During my last treatment, I made it to about 85% power on the Cooltone machine. Considering I started with hardly any abdominal strength, I thought this was pretty good. After my last treatment, I looked in the mirror and was excited about my results. 我可以看到更多的清晰度!


经过六次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,我确实看到了不同. 它使我的胃变得结实. 我有六块腹肌吗? No. 但这不是它应该做的. 我看到的最大变化是我的肚脐看起来更垂直了. 这对我来说是一个主要的不安全感. CoolTone基本上改善了我的腹部.

一个有趣的副作用:额外的健身 & 饮食的动机 

在我三个星期的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过程中, 我非常有动力, not only to go to the gym but to live a healthier lifestyle – particularly with food. 虽然有时候想到“好吧, CoolTone基本上是在锻炼我的身体, 那我今天为什么要去健身房呢?” Those were days that I went to the gym but probably didn’t work as hard as I would have liked. 如果我能改变我的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网系列, it would be to put more effort into my health journey when I was outside of the CoolTone facility.

Treatments like CoolTone are meant to emphasize the hard work you put in when living a healthy lifestyle at home. 它并不意味着完全改变你的身体.


我看到了结果. It made my tummy flatter and more defined and it also changed the shape of my belly button. 我想对某些人来说,它们可能看起来很轻微, 但这些结果确实有助于缓解长期以来的不安全感. 对于合适的患者,CoolTone绝对值得使用. 没有疼痛,没有停机时间,没有疤痕,你会看到肌肉的轮廓. 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网也是快速和放松的. 有时我会在机器发出的白噪音中睡着.

One of the best things about CoolTone is the time it takes to see results. As soon as the paddle is removed, you can look in the mirror and see slight differences.

真正的, 在最初的一系列六次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,可以看到明显的结果, 但你可以通过进一步的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网继续看到改善. You can go as frequently as you want, so I am definitely going to periodically receive treatments.

Now I am continuing to go to the gym to maintain and enhance my CoolTone results! 


CoolTone可以搭配一个 可持续体重管理计划 以及其他非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 像Kybella – to get even greater results, depending on your unique situation and goals. We invite you to get in touch with our Columbus CoolTone experts to ask any additional questions you may have about the experience and to book your first cycle!

